(ISTJ-T) My best friend is @LylianaDog and if u say anything disgusting or rude on my profile ill block you I relate to both Lawrence and Fluttershy.
(So when she went back in the bathroom
She would never come outside)


hobbies: playing VNs



Joined on 11/5/23

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  1. https://www.fataltotheflesh.com/ You basically cut on a screen instead of your skin.
  2. https://neal.fun/ Its like a website with some mini games to play.
  3. https://www.brokenself.com/ Thats a screen which you can click and then it gets broken.
  4. https://www.hybridmoment.com/ You can click on the screen and then it will zoom in and you will see a lot of colours flashing.
  5. https://coldvoid.com/ Its like a spider web which you can move around.
  6. https://www.pleasetouchme.com/ You can move a blue hand.
  7. https://koalastothemax.com/ There is a circle you can click so it will multiple.
  8. https://www.colorflip.com/ Its a blank screen which you can flip over.
  9. https://www.pixelthoughts.co/ Its like a 60 seconds meditation, where you write whats bothering you.
  10. https://smashthewalls.com/ You can break the walls instead of doing it in real life.
  11. http://make-everything-ok.com/ There is a button called "make everything okay" which you can press to see the progress.
  12. https://drawing.garden/ You can draw a garden with some emojis.
  13. https://www.itwillneverbethesame.com/ Its like a road you can ride and like choose the direction you want to drive.
  14. https://www.intotime.com/ You see a screen full of colours you can click to double them every time yiu click on them.
  15. https://www.whywashesad.com/ You see a blue screen with some clouds you can click to destroy.
  16. https://www.papertoilet.com/ Its a roll of toilet paper which you can unroll.
  17. https://neal.fun/life-stats/ After you choose your birthday you get a lot of information about your body like for example how many times you blinked.
  18. https://driveandlisten.herokuapp.com/ You can choose a location where it looks like you are in a car and drive through the location you choosed while listening to street voices there and the radio at your choosen location.
  19. https://www.thiswebsitewillselfdestruct.com/ You can like write about how you feel at the moment and then it will be destroyed.
  20. https://kuku-kube.com/ There are a few bricks who have the same colour expect one and you have to click the wrong one.
  21. https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/ Its like a drawing game, where it says soemthing like necklace and you have to draw what it says.
  22. https://neal.fun/perfect-circle/ You have to draw a perfect circle and you can even do some more variants like for example with closed eyes.
  23. https://neal.fun/wonders-of-street-view/ Its just like the normal google map, but like you spawn sonewhere random at funny locations.


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Available for Work

I'm looking to be a VA but i'll also write things

Hi I have been working on my writing skills and being a voice actor. You don't have to pay me I'm glad to do it for free but once I turn 18 in a few years. I'd like to be paid at least a little bit. I'm good at writing short stories and welcome to all sort of writing :D and I'll do things for voice dubs
